For a desktop computer, we investigate how to enhance conventional mouse and keyboard interaction by combining the input modalities gaze and foot. This multimodal approach offers the potential for fluently performing both manual input (e.g., for precise object selection) and gaze-supported foot input (for pan and zoom) in zoomable information spaces in quick succession or even in parallel. For this, we take advantage of fast gaze input to implicitly indicate where to navigate to and additional explicit foot input for speed control while leaving the hands free for further manual input. This allows for taking advantage of gaze input in a subtle and unobtrusive way. We have carefully elaborated and investigated three variants of foot controls incorporating one-, two- and multidirectional foot pedals in combination with gaze. These were evaluated and compared to mouse-only input in a user study using Google Earth as a geographic information system. The results suggest that gaze-supported foot input is feasible for convenient, user-friendly navigation and comparable to mouse input and encourage further investigations of gaze-supported foot controls.
Related Publications
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. ICMI ’15, Seattle, USA. ACM 123-130, 2015.
Publisher Video Research Website
In Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Extended Abstracts. CHI ’13, Paris, France. ACM, 3059-3062, 2013.
Publisher Video Research Website

In CHI 2013 Workshop on Gaze Interaction in the Post-WIMP World. CHI ’13, Paris, France. 2013.
Workshop Website Research Website
Look & Pedal:
Hands-free Navigation in Zoomable Information Spaces through Gaze-supported Foot Input
Category | Multi-Modal Interaction |
Project date | 2013-2015 |
Project URL | imld.de/gaze-foot/ |
Collaborators | Andreas Siegel, Stefan Vogt, Dr. Fabian Göbel, Dr. Sophie Stellmach, Prof. Raimund Dachselt |
Video | Watch on YouTube |
Technologies and Methods |
Windows Forms C# Direct Input Google Earth API Tobii Eyetracking SDK Rapid Prototyping Wood Working Mechanical Engineering Resistive Sensing |
Presentation at ACM CHI 2013
in Paris, France.

Further presentations
Paper presentation at ACM ICMI '15Interactivity at Uni-Day '14
Interactivity at Long Night of Science '13
Interactivity at Output.DD '13
Press Coverage
"Wie von Zauberhand - Forscher tüfteln an immer verrückteren Eingabetechniken für Computer. Sie werden unseren Alltag um verblüffende Magie berreichern."
Magazine Article 03/2014
"Die Welt mit den Augen steuern - Junge Informatiker zeigen ihre Erfindungen"
Newspaper Article 05.07.2013